The grammatical reasons for different Vietnamese words for the same word, say I, are, firstly, to express the difference in age, which is culturally a “big deal” and secondly, to express the 2 genders.Īnd a further complication is that in different regions (North, Middle, South) local words are used extensively for pronouns (which is not true for most other Vietnamese words).īut there is nothing to be afraid, because after finishing this lesson, you’d know the necessary common words to use in almost every situation, and be understood everywhere in Vietnam. And the various words are not always interchangeable. Their usage is not different from English, just that there are many different Vietnamese words for each English pronoun (I, You, etc.).
However, one of the challenges that may hinder you from making rapid progress with your Vietnamese is…pronouns. As we have learned before in the Grammar lessons, Vietnamese sentence structure is similar to that of English.